Throughout this campout, we worked on requirements for the Eagle-required Cooking merit badge. We discussed the health and safety requirements of the merit badge and completed all of the camp cooking requirements.

Holly Springs, NC
Throughout this campout, we worked on requirements for the Eagle-required Cooking merit badge. We discussed the health and safety requirements of the merit badge and completed all of the camp cooking requirements.
We went to Raven Rock in early January and stayed in cabins. This campout is an annual competition between patrols and we play games inspired by the Klondike dog race. We saw which patrol could pull the dogsled the fastest, tried to create strong structures using lashings, and saw who could cook the best food.
On campfire Night, our troop went to camp Durant. we watched funny skits, found out the winner of the cooking competition and had a tap out ceremony! we also gained some new QA members doubling the group in size!
On Tuesday, Scout Troop 2019 went to the AOL crossover and we received a new scout!
Scouts from Troop 2019 got to visit the McDowell nature preserve 30 minutes away from our meeting place, unfortunately we were unable to do some of the activities due to rainy weather, but we arrived just in time and were still able to do rafting and have fun.
Troop 2019 and Troop 320 came together at Mr. Traylor’s farm. The Star and above scouts presented newer scouts with fun games and activities that prepared them for leadership and by the end of the weekend all the scouts were ready to take on their leadership roles.
This event was held for scouts who have achieved the rank of first class and have gotten at least 15 camping nights. After they do this they must be chosen by their peers as representatives of what a scout should be. On this campout candidates kept a silence, ate small amounts of food, and performed service work. Our scouts helped to build benches, dig out ditches, and pick up garbage from around the camp.
In November of 2020 our Troop hosted a campout and invited Weeblos to come and learn about Scouts BSA. Here the Troop participated in a Bridging ceremony from which Weeblos joined our Troop. Afterwards we did many scouting activities, learned how to tie Waggles, and played games!
Every 6 months our troop transitions positions of responsibility. However, to hold one of these positions scouts are required to attend one Troop Leader Training campout every year. This program teaches scouts how to be an effective leader and role model for others, and scouts are taught these skills at business levels. The weather held up until Sunday when the scouts build frames to hold up their whole patrol. Big thanks to the Scoutmaster of Troop 320 for hosting the event!
A favored camping spot among the Troop, the Pamlico Sound is located in the largest estuary in North Carolina. Here the scouts can go kayaking, small boat sailing, canoeing, and stand up paddle boarding. The scouts chose to do the kayaking merit badge and once that was done we kayaked down the Sound to see an old duck hunting hideout! Scouts also learned the Safety Afloat rules and how to perform water rescues.