The campsites at Agape are wonderful for troops hosting events, campouts, and merit badges, so we decided to have a second campout there. Scouts went fishing (unsuccessfully due to the current of the river), hiking around agape, played gagaball, and much more! We did another service project where we ended up weeding Agapes butterfly garden.
2020 Agape #1
Troop 2019 held their first campout together after Covid-19 at Camp Agape, which proved to be the perfect campsite for such occasions. Scouts were taught and learned the Wilderness Survival merit badge (while still practicing social distancing), and slept under the stars for a night. Everyone was reminded the importance of choosing a good camping spot as well as keeping their tents closed, especially when it’s raining!
2020 Virtual Campout #2
Our Troop’s first Virtual Campout was very successful and productive, so we decided to host another. Scouts completed requirements, set up camp, and competed in competitions online over Zoom. A competition was held over the meetings between the two Patrols, that was judged by the Scout Masters. The Patrol that scored the most points won (Lemur Patrol), and the competitions included things such as making your own spirit stick, fort building, and cooking competitions!

2020 Virtual Campout #1
Scouts looked forward to an exciting campout at the Camporee, and were very disappointed when things were canceled because of Covid-19. However, they didn’t let that stop them from camping! Troop 2019 did a virtual campout, with scouts camping in their backyard, garage, or wherever they were able to. Campsites, requirements, contests, and cooking were all presented over Zoom meetings. This provided scouts with a good learning experience on how to adapt to new settings while still accomplishing tasks.
2019 Webelos Invitational
We invited a bunch of Webelos from our district to come and learn about our troop and scouting. We had a great time hanging out with some younger scouts. Our campfire lasted for a total of 13 hours keeping us warm throughout the cold day. We were singing and dancing all weekend and went through about 94 packets of hot chocolate. This was our last camping trip of the year 2019!

2019 Backpacking at Raven Rock
We did our first backpacking expedition at Raven Rock State Park in Lillington, NC. All of us got to cool off in the waters of the Cape Fear river. Some more than others.

2019 Biking the Creeper Trail

We had an amazing bike ride down the Creeper Trail. It was a beautiful temperature and our campsite was really nice.
2019 Sailing the Sound
We sailed the Pamlico Sound aboard sunfish sailboats with some amazing pirate sails at Pamlico Sea Base. The weather was perfect for a day on the sound. We lucked out because the forecast called for storms.

2019 We’ve Got Spirit!

Our troop won the spirit stick at our first summer camp experience at Camp Durant. We had a great time and lots of great adventures!