On May 21, 2023 Avery completed her Eagle Project which consisted of building langstroth beehives for the Holly Springs Food Cupboard. Avery completed her Eagle Board of Review on September 15, 2023 earning her the rank of Eagle Scout.
“My Eagle Project will be working with the bee area of the Holly Springs food cupboard. This project will focus on the construction and instillation of a Long Langstroth Beehive. This form of hive is horizontally stacked as opposed to vertically to enable easier access to brood (bee larva) and honey. Additionally, this project will entail the leveling of the grounds surrounding the placement of the hive and building a stone foundation under the hive to prevent the growth of weeds. Finally, I will construct and fill a bee feeding station with sugar water to provide the bees with substance during winter or times of the year that pollen is scarce. This project will allow for the food cupboard to produce more honey that they can either sell or give out to those who come by the cupboard for food. It will allow for the food cupboard to reach more people and aid more people through hvaing more supplies and stock to provide. Additionally, it will make the hive more available for the bee keepers to access because of its layout.” – Avery F.