2020 December Court of Honor and Ting Park

This month our Troop held our final Court of Honor for the year 2020. At this ceremony we recognized all Scouts for their handwork and dedication in achieving all their awards. There were a total of 35 merit badges earned by 16 different scouts, and although it is fewer than our previous ceremony, we still congratulate all our scouts. We also announced our Troop’s very first Eagle Scout!! After the ceremony, our Troop met up at Ting Park and viewed all the decorated Christmas trees (one of which our Troop decorated at our last meeting)!

2020 September Court of Honor

Every 6 months, our Troop changes positions of responsibilities. Scouts can chose to run for any position so long as they are eligible, and will present a speech on why they should be elected. After the speeches are done, voting takes place and the new leaders are decided upon. The leadership positions are a great chance for scouts to experience and learn how to be an effective leader, in a safe environment. We usually also have a short celebration afterwards!