On Sunday scouts were given the opportunity to experience some of what scuba diving is like! Scouts wore the gear into the pool and got to spend an hour breathing underwater and playing games in the shallow end of the pool! This event has inspired many scouts to want to become certified in scuba! A big Thank You to Gypsy Divers for hosting this event and teaching us how to use the gear!
Requirement Time
From 9am-11am scouts were given the opportunity to come to the church and work on requirements and earn the totin chit! The newer scouts also learned how to set up a Hercules and as an added bonus got donuts and a chance to play Wave. Shoutout to the Phoenix Patrol Leader for doing a great job organizing and running this event!
Working on the Physical Fitness Merit Badge
Swim Test
It’s that time of year! Every year in order for scouts to participate in aquatic activities they must pass the BSA Swim Test. Don’t let the name scare you, the test is only a safety precaution to make sure everyone is safe and enjoys themselves in aquatic activities! Scouts also got the bonus of completing Second Class requirements 5b, 5c, and 5d, where they learn the various ways to perform rescues on someone in the water!
Post Test!
Raven Rock Backpacking
Every year Troop 2019 goes on a backpacking trip to give scouts the opportunity to see what it’s like. Our favorite location is Raven Rock, were scouts will hike into the campsite then go to explore the nearby river! Over the 3 day (2 night) backpacking trip the scouts hiked a total of 20 miles, some with and some without their backpacks. This was a first experience for many scouts and a great practice for those going to Philmont this summer!
Carrine K.
On Jan 31, 2021, Carrine completed her Eagle Project, which included building a wooden fence around the entire perimeter of the Community Garden at the Holly Springs Food Cupboard. Carrine completed her Eagle Board of Review on May 17, 2021 earning her the rank of Eagle Scout.
“My Eagle Project was taking down an old fence around the East Garden at the Holly Springs Food Cupboard and rebuilding it newly. We expanded the fence by connecting it the to side of the Food Cupboard building, as well as making two new gates for the fence. The total length was 150 feet of fencing built newly with pine posts, pickets, deer netting, and chicken wire. The total working time of the project was 12 hours, from 4 pm on Friday to 1 1 am on Sunday.” – Carrine K.
Carmen K.
On Jan 23, 2021 Carmen completed her Eagle Project, during which she led our scouts to dig (without an auger) two 3 ft. holes and planted posts, cut and trimmed split rail fencing to fit and installed the gates themselves. This all benefits Corral or Cary, NC. Carmen
completed her Eagle Board of Review on May 17, 2021 earning her the rank of Eagle Scout.
In April we had a lot of new scouts join our troop, and decided to host a Trail to First Class campout! At this campout we teach the basic skills of scouting and complete most of the requirements through First Class. In the morning we did requirement stations, then in the afternoon we played games, went on a hike, and closed with a great campfire ceremony, led by one of the scouts for the Communications merit badge!
Scouts practicing!
Spring Inductions
This event was held for scouts who have achieved the rank of first class and have gotten at least 15 camping nights. After they do this they must be chosen by their peers as representatives of what a scout should be. On this campout candidates kept a silence, ate small amounts of food, and performed service work. Our scouts helped to build benches, dig out ditches, and pick up garbage from around the camp.
March Horseback Day!
In March our troop decided to offer scouts with a different experience, varying from our usual campouts. Managed by one of our Life Scouts, we did a horseback ridding experience at Horses for Hope! Scouts learned how to care for the horses, properly clean the tools, and how to saddle them up! They also got to go for a trail ride through the woods! A big thank you to Horses for Hope for making this possible!!
Kara K.
On Febuary 8, 2021, Kara completed her Eagle Project which involved building new bridges on trails to help prevent erosion damage at the Agape Kure Camp. Kara completed her Eagle Board of Review on February 8, 2021 earning her the rank of Eagle Scout.